Please register today, as seating space is limited. Take your first step towards transforming your community through church-school partnerships.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Bill Collins at 1-800-800-3222 ext. 210 or email him at

Church & Public School Partnership Training in Vicksburg, Mississippi

Our most popular training module is this six-hour workshop offering pastors and church leaders the building blocks for starting or enhancing the delivery of social services to urban youth and their families. Participants will receive an overview of the process of adopting public schools and creating programs, including school-based mentoring, to meet the vast needs of public school youth and their families.

Hinds Community College, Vicksburg Branch (George Oaks Building)
755 MS Hwy 27
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180

Date: January 23, 2020

Time: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Host: Unite Mississippi Foundation and The Urban Alternative

Cost: $75 per person

Online registration is closed, but you may still register at the door on the day of the event.